The retirement of longtime Wiscasset School Department band teacher Roger Whitney in October raised concern among parents about the future of the band program, Superintendent Heather Wilmot said. “It was a challenge to find someone with a similar skill set who could support instrumental lessons and ensemble arrangements,” Wilmot said.
The Wiscasset School Committee unanimously approved the hire of a new district-wide band teacher, Kimberly Brewer, at its Thursday, Nov. 19 meeting and affirmed its commitment to the department’s music program.
To help with the transition between band teachers, music instructor David Collier, of Topsham, has been working with students two days a week to ensure instrumental lessons continue, Wilmot said.
Collier will continue to work with the school department as Brewer transitions into her new role as band teacher. The winter concert, scheduled for Dec. 15, is looking good, school officials said. In her leadership update, new Wiscasset Middle High School Principal Peg Armstrong said the band sounded good when it practiced “Wipeout,” which the band will perform at the winter concert.
According to Wilmot, instrumental lessons have been taking place in the band room at Wiscasset Middle High School. Space was an issue at Wiscasset Elementary School, but adjustments were made and the instrumental lessons are occurring in a downstairs room, she said.
The scheduling for instrumental lessons also posed a challenge and had to be adjusted, Wilmot said. With a new teacher coming in, the scheduling of instrumental lessons will likely be adjusted again, she said.
“We’re always trying to monitor and adjust to student needs,” Wilmot said.
With a thumbs-up raised high over his head, Chair Steve Smith welcomed Brewer to the department and expressed excitement for the upcoming band performance at the winter concert.
“It’s amazing to see kids go from sight reading to performing in an ensemble,” Wilmot said.