Wiscasset Board of Selectmen Vice Chairman Ben Rines Jr. did not participate in a closed-door session on July 1, after arguing for the selectmen to discuss the subject of the session in public.
The board had scheduled an executive session about economic development possibilities prior to the meeting. Rines, after hearing a brief description of the meeting’s purpose, said the board should discuss the matter in public. He did not attend the executive session.
The executive session was held pursuant to title MRSA 405(6)(c). According to the Right to Know citizens guide to Maine’s Freedom of Access Act, the statue allows boards to meet privately to discuss or consider the acquisition, condition, or use of property, or economic development, “only if premature disclosures of the information would prejudice the competitive or bargaining position of the body or agency.”
The selectmen did not take action or comment on the executive session after returning to the public portion of the meeting.
Tax anticipation note
The selectmen unanimously authorized the chairman of the board and the town treasurer to award a bid for a $3 million short-term loan known as a tax anticipation note.
The town will need the money before the next board meeting, interim Town Manager Don Gerrish said.
Wastewater upgrades
The town received two bids for electrical upgrades to pump stations, one bid for $51,000 and another bid for $76,000. The voters approved $28,000 for the work. Gerrish recommended the selectmen reject both bids and have the work done at the same time as a U.S. Department of Agriculture-funded project that will upgrade the village pump stations. The selectmen vote 5-0 to reject both bids.
Gerrish told the selectmen the town should be able to get the electrical upgrades done for less money if the work is done at the same time as the USDA project.
Town manager’s report
Gerrish reported the town of Wiscasset withdrawal from RSU 12 will cost the town between $1.7 and $1.8 million. However, there is still some work to do to refine the agreement before the figures are final.
According to Gerrish, in reporting on the financial update for the 2013-2014 end of the year, the town should end up between $90,000 to $100,000 in the black.
Rines asked what was currently in the town’s fund balance, Gerrish was not sure, but thought about $900,000. Rines said perhaps a portion of the fund balance could be used to lower taxes.
According to the current budget, $125,000 from the fund balance will be used to lower taxes. Gerrish told the board every $70,000 would lower the taxes 1 percent. The selectmen decided to place the topic on an agenda for a future meeting.
Gerrish and Parks and Recreation Director Todd Souza met with regional YMCAs to see how they can help each other reduce costs. Gerrish said the meeting was very positive, and another meeting is being planned. They met with representatives from the Boothbay, Bath, and Damariscotta YMCAs.
In other business
The selectmen discussed the selectmen goals for 2014-2015 that were adopted in January by the previous board. Gerrish suggested the new board look them over and make suggestions.
Gerrish told the board there were too many goals on the 2014-2015 list, and suggested the board come up with five goals that they could focus on. The selectmen agreed to review the goals and make recommendations at a future meeting.
The selectmen’s next meeting will be Tuesday, July 15, at 7 p.m. There will be a special selectmen’s meeting Tuesday, July 22, to discuss the Airport Master Plan at 7 p.m.
Executive session
The Wiscasset selectmen’s meeting began and ended with an executive meeting. Following the public business meeting, the selectmen went into another executive meeting about legal issues regarding Mason Station and Ferry Road Development.