In a special town meeting Dec.7, Wiscasset voters approved a revamped budget for the municipal planning department. By a vote of 186-76, voters appropriated $29,576.20 toward the department for the last six months of the fiscal year, effectively reducing the hours of the town planner from the current 40 hours a week to 30.
This was the third time Wiscasset voters had gone to the polls to decide the fate of the planning office and a “yes” vote was viewed as crucial as the town develops economic opportunities.
“I feel there is a lot to accomplish here. It would have been tough to leave when so much is still on the table,” Wiscasset Town Planner Jeffrey Hinderliter said.
Prior to the special town meeting, Town Manager Laurie Smith had urged residents to support the planning department, sentiments echoed by selectmen and members of the business community.
Though the position will be refocused, most notably through a reduction of various town commission support, the continued presence of Hinderliter will translate into a continuation of efforts to streamline ordinances, develop business friendly strategies, and provide technical assistance to developers. For the short term, Hinderliter plans to stay on and help define the adjusted role of the town planner.
“Ultimately I do not see myself as a part-time worker and it really isn’t about the money. I just want to have the ability to accomplish what the town needs and deserves,” he said.
The $29,576.20 will come from the undesignated fund balance.