Two out of three selectmen were not available for the selectmen’s meeting at 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 17, resulting in the lack of a quorum.
Wendy Pieh, chair of the board of selectmen, was the only member of the board on hand. Selectman Hank Nevins had a prior engagement and Selectman Boe Marsh planned to attend via Zoom, but was traveling and unable to get a connection. Had Marsh been in attendance there would have been a quorum despite Nevins’ absence.
The agenda for the meeting included the appointment of an EMS director, reports from the planning board and the conservation commission, as well as Bremen Conservation Commission trail information and a discussion about Town Landing Road.
According to Pieh, she proceeded with the meeting as an informal discussion around the Town Landing Road question, which may be included on a future agenda. The appointment of the EMS director was tabled until the next meeting.
According to Town Clerk Melanie Pendleton, guidance was sought from Maine Municipal Association and no minutes were taken due to the lack of quorum.