9:00 am - 4:00 pm
North Nobleboro Community Hall and Grounds
554 Upper East Pond Rd
Event Type
Come to North Nobleboro on Saturday, August 10th from 9:00–4:00 to enjoy friends, great food, silent auction and live entertainment!
Feast on North Nobleboro’s famous chicken BBQ, fresh corn on the cob, homemade pies and pastries, fudge, hot dogs, french fries and ice cream. The craft booth, silent auction and trash and treasures will open at 9:00. Live music by Debbie Myers and Redneck Rodeo from 10:00 -12:45 and Playing Possum from 1:00- 4:00. Free admission and parking for all activities at the North Nobleboro Community Hall and Grounds, at the northern intersection of East Pond Rd and 554 Upper East Pond Rd. Contact Pam Edwards at (918) 637-7398 for more information.
(Follow East Pond Rd approximately 3 miles from Route 1 in Nobleboro or 3 miles from Rt 32 in Jefferson.)