As it has for many years, the Second Congregational Church, UCC at 51 Main St. in Newcastle will hold its end-of-season service at Pemaquid Lighthouse Park in Bristol. The service will take place at 10:30 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 11. Weather permitting, the service will be held outside beside the lighthouse, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Attendees should bring a lawn chair or one to share. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend to come along. In the event of rain, the service will be held in the park’s adjacent community center/museum.
Out of the Ordinary! is the theme of the service. The Chancel Choir will lead the music, accompanied by double keyboards and other instruments. Music will include “What a Wonderful World,” and “God of the Deep,” a text in wonder of the vastness of the sea. And, remembering this 15th anniversary of Sept. 11, there will be a reflective rendition of “In the Seasons of our Silence.” Also, there will be time to sing familiar tunes during the service.
The worship service will be followed by a picnic. Burgers, hot dogs, and beverages will be provided by the church, and all planning to stay for the meal are encouraged to bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. For more information, call 563-3379.