Nobleboro Historical Society’s annual AppleFest will be held on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Nobleboro Central School, at 194 Center St. in Nobleboro, and the Nobleboro Historical Center, 198 Center St., Nobleboro.
The 2017 AppleFest is dedicated to Dick Scott, a wonderful man with a great sense of humor and an active society volunteer over the decades. Scott always presided over the historical society table at AppleFest with his wife, Alice, and talked with folks about the Nobleboro 1813, 1857, and cemetery maps, and helped locate what they were looking for. He willingly lugged tables and boxes and always helped with whatever needed to be done, including starting the fire in the stove at the center on cold winter evenings an hour before a meeting. Scott will be missed and fondly remembered.
As always, there will be food and entertainment for everyone and a time to visit with neighbors; listen to the Damariscotta Lake Country Band’s down-home music; get a homemade apple pie, apples, and cheese from Beth’s Farm; and enjoy lunch and one of Fondy York’s fresh hot donuts. All the very original handmade crafts, many silent auction items, and local business tables will offer special things to buy. The Nobleboro Central School eighth-graders will have a food table to support their class project. It is always a fun Saturday event for the community. Admission is free; there will be drawings for prizes, too.
The Leadership School at Kieve-Wavus will do face painting and have activities and prizes for the kids. This contribution is another of the special projects Kieve-Wavus provides for Nobleboro, schools throughout Maine, and many other special groups.
The proceeds support the society’s scholarships for Nobleboro students and residents, the preservation of local history, and the educational programs for Nobleboro Central School students and the public and also the Nobleboro Central School eighth-grade class project.
For more information, call Mary Sheldon at 563-5376.