A community potluck benefit supper will be held Saturday, Feb. 11, from 5-7 p.m., to help rebuild the home of Merrill and Shirley Bailey, which was destroyed by fire. The benefit supper, organized by the First Baptist Church of Nobleboro, will be held in the gymnasium of Nobleboro Central School, 194 Center St., Nobleboro. The snow date is Sunday, Feb. 12, from 5-7 p.m. The benefit will also feature a silent auction of quality, Maine-made crafts and artwork. The cost for the supper is $8 per person and $20 for a family. Children under 3 are free. A donations jar will also be available for additional contributions to the Baileys’ rebuilding fund. Contributions may also be mailed to the First Baptist Church of Nobleboro, P.O. Box 35, Nobleboro, ME 04555. Please write “Bailey Fund” in the memo portion of the check.
Participants are invited to bring food to share, but this is not required. Visit the First Baptist Church Facebook Page, fbc-of-nobleboro-maine, for more details and pictures of the auction items.
For additional information, contact the church at 563-5816.