A tradition dating back several generations has come back to life. After two COVID-19 related cancellations, the Coopers Mills Volunteer Fire Department auction returns Saturday, Aug. 20 at 10 a.m.
Current grandparents remember attending this event as kids. It was a sale people traveled for miles to attend, hoping to find bargains, and if not, just to enjoy the entertainment and a hot dog or hamburger.
Often over 100 bidders would come and sit under the tent to compete for some pretty impressive bargains. Sometimes several truckloads of furniture and appliances might come from a single home. Many years, there wasn’t time enough to auction off everything. This year with the volunteers fewer and older, they are being a little pickier, which means that the quality of items should be even better.
Organizers are also inviting folks who aren’t connected with Coopers Mills Volunteer Fire Department to turn out for a few hours to help. The response has been good because people want to support the tradition and the purpose of the auction. The annual auction and a few other fundraisers have financed the complete restoration of the firehouse inside and out.
The Coopers Mills department is proud to have raised over $200,000 to upgrade the old firehouse into an efficient, safe building which houses Whitefield Engine #1, and has room for more equipment, all at no expense to the taxpayers.
To donate an item for the sale, contact Norm Best at 215-6600, or any of the Coopers Mills Volunteer Fire Department members. To help pick up or sort items, or help on the day of the auction, call or text 208-0350. Mark the date on the calendar; rain or shine.