Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust and the Town of Damariscotta are partnering to organize a physically distant community-wide trash pickup in celebration of Earth Day 2020. Between April 27 and April 30, Damariscotta residents are encouraged to pick up litter in front of their homes and businesses.
In an effort to minimize transmission of COVID-19, participants are encouraged to supply their own trash bags, gloves, tape for marking the bags, and any other necessary equipment. Filled trash bags can be left along the roadside. To indicate the bags are part of the Earth Day cleanup, tape a one-foot ‘X’ on the bags using something that will be visible from the road, such as masking tape or duct tape.
Town employees will look for the marked bags on the side of the road between April 27 and April 30, and will pick them up and take them to the transfer station. This service is provided for the Earth Day cleanup only; participants are asked not to include any household trash.
Coastal Rivers invites participants to share photos of their cleanup activities, either on Instagram using the hashtag “#coastalriverstrust,” or by email at