An electronic navigation course will take place on Thursday, Sept. 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Wiscasset Middle High School, aimed at those overwhelmed by all the functions on a GPS or chart plotter, those who want to use a tablet or smartphone to help navigate on a boat, and those interested in using a desktop computer program to plan a cruise and then copy that information to a GPS.
Included in the course are:
Navigating by establishing waypoints and routes
Running the planned courses
Electronic charting software for the desktop computer
Tablet and smartphone apps that provide the electronic navigation function at the helm
Hands-on exercises on a PC that simulate GPS functions
Using charting software and a chart plotter emulator
Overview of the Automatic Identification System (AIS)
This course is usually completed in eight two-hour sessions, followed by an exam. The cost is $80 for squadron members (phone registration only) and $95 for nonmembers.
Wiscasset Middle High School is located at 272 Gardner Road, Wiscasset. Contact Bath Adult Education for more information: or 443-8255.