A historic photo, showing Francis Kennedy and family bringing in the hay in Somerville, Maine in 1913.
One might not be able to ride one’s horse from farm to farm, but one can experience an old-fashioned farming community on June 30, when the Somerville Farmers’ Network hosts its fourth annual Open Farm Day. Between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., five local farms, all within 10 miles of each other, are welcoming the public to experience their unique brand of neighborliness.
Before the days of the automobile, every town needed to supply its own needs, so farmers grew, raised, or made everything they needed. When there was a big job, like bringing in the hay, all hands shared the load. Although today there are many options, Somerville farmers have chosen to continue that tradition: folks help each other, and together a wide range of products, from honey and syrup to meat, eggs, dairy, and organic vegetables are produced. On most Sundays, the farms bring their produce to the Farmers’ Market at Pumpkin Vine Family Farm, for a fun day of community shopping and socializing.
However, on June 30, the farmers will be staying home. Each farm will be open for visitors discover the beauty of the historic farmlands, learn about their unique activities, and shop for local flavor. There won’t be far to go: the farthest apart farms are a 15-minute drive, and the view will be rewarding. Pick up pork, eggs, and honey at Briggs Farm, goat dairy products at Pumpkin Vine, organic veggies and to-die-for bread and pastries at Sand Hill, maple syrup at Summit Farm, and shop in the market at Wild Miller Farm, a horse-powered farm just across the northern border in Palermo.
Barn doors and garden gates will be open between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.; please look for parking signs and wait for a tour guide before exploring. Drive slowly and enjoy the ride; the local roads are still mostly dirt – maybe that horse was a good idea…
For printable maps and information visit somervillefarmersnetwork.com. To check whether they’ve been postponed for rain, call 549-5089. For more information email info@pumpkinvinefamilyfarm.com or call 549-3096.