Going up and over an obstacle on the kids course.
This year, as in previous ones, Midcoast Conservancy’s Race Through the Woods trail races will feature a kids obstacle course, a fun and positive way to introduce younger kids to the unique experience of trail racing. On Sunday, Sept. 29, the kids race will follow the start of a half-marathon and a 5.5-mile race at Hidden Valley Nature Center in Jefferson. Registration begins at 8 a.m. Races will begin at 10 a.m.; the obstacle course race will begin about 10:30 a.m.
Trail racer and mother of three Erin Michaud said about the race, “Absolutely the friendliest, most encouraging staff I have ever met! Their children’s obstacle course is designed with children at heart and you can tell they believe in kids. It’s not a tiny little hay-bale race field; it’s a full-blown confidence-boosting, believe-in-you race through the woods. My kids’ confidence grows by leaps and bounds every year. Thank you for building our children up!”

A volunteer high-fives a racer.
Designed to be challenging but mostly fun, the course includes a variety of obstacles and surprises. Once the competitive racing is completed, kids are encouraged to continue to run and play on the course. Parents are welcome to accompany their kids on the course, which is supervised by volunteers positioned along the trail for spotting, encouraging, teaching, and pointing the way to the finish line.
It is not necessary for parents to be registered racers for kids to sign up for the obstacle course race, which is free for kids. Steelhouse Oven wood-fired pizza will be available for breakfast and lunch, and Sheepscot Valley Brewing is providing beer for the event. To register, go to midcoastconservancy.org/events/race-through-the-woods-2.