The Wells-Hussey American Legion Post No. 42, of Damariscotta, will hold its annual ice fishing tournament on Sunday, Feb. 6. Weigh-ins will be at the Legion post at 247 Main St. in Damariscotta. Fish must be registered by 4 p.m.
Rules include no frozen fish, one entry per ticket, and no pike. Participants must have a fishing license.
There is a $400 cash door prize, plus other prizes. A person does not have to be present to win.
First, second, and third prizes will be awarded in the following categories all fish (no pike), trout/salmon, junior division 10-15 years old, and junior division 10 years and younger.
Prizes include K-drill kit, large jet sled, small jet sled, ice traps, jig pole, skimmer, pack basket, $50 gift cards, and McDonald’s gift cards