A pasta and meatball dinner in honor of the late Jerry Topinka will be hosted by the Lincoln County Democrats from 5-7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 26. All proceeds will be donated to the Lincoln County Democratic Committee in Topinka’s name.
Topinka was ever the willing volunteer. Ellie Taylor and a host of people who knew him volunteered to organize an Italian dinner in honor of their steadfast friend. Spaghetti and meatballs were Topinka’s favorite dinner.
Topinka was a proud Democrat. He enjoyed serving with Lincoln County Democrats in any way, always bringing a positive and cheerful commitment to needed work. He brought the same commitment to helping friends and others with the gift of his time. It would make Topinka proud to know that all proceeds will be donated to the Lincoln County Democratic Committee in his name.
The event will be held at the Boothbay Fire Department, 911 Wiscasset Road, Boothbay. The menu will feature pasta and meatballs, salad, Borealis bread, drinks, and desserts contributed by friends of Topinka. The cost for adults is $12, children ages 5-12 are $6, and kids under 5 are free. The cost for a family of four is $30.
The event will also feature a 50-50 raffle.
For more information, contact Taylor at 633-0519 or daveellietaylor@gmail.com. RSVP online at secure.actblue.com/donate/2017honoringjerry.