On Thursday, Jan. 30, the Lincoln County Historical Association will present a talk by Dave Probert, of Dresden, about his restoration and conservation work in local historic cemeteries.
The online lecture will begin at 5:30 p.m. Preregistration is required. The event is free, but a $5 suggested donation helps cover costs.
After Probert retired from a long career at Bath Iron Works, he signed up as a volunteer at Lincoln County Historical Association’s Pownalborough Court House. He initially helped install the Pownalborough Court House trail system, which includes an accessible section that has since become a popular destination for local hikers and joggers.
During the time he spent on the court house grounds, Probert became intrigued by its small cemetery, and he made it a mission to tend to the condition of the stone wall and overhanging branches. Eventually, he signed on as a museum docent, then agreed to co-chair the Pownalborough Court House Stewardship Committee
Eventually Probert became a valued trustee, helping to steer the nonprofit organization.
Probert continued his restoration activities in several other historic cemeteries, conserving one stone at a time. His efforts have yielded fascinating stories about his approach to the work and what he has learned along the way.
This lecture is free and open to all. Preregistration is required to receive the link. To register, go to lincolncountyhistory.org and click on “Upcoming Events.” All donations are gratefully appreciated, but no donations are required.
Lincoln County Historical Association is a nonprofit organization that provides stewardship for the 1754 Chapman-Hall House in Damariscotta, the 1761 Pownalborough Court House in Dresden, and the 1811 Old Jail and Museum in Wiscasset. For more information, go to lincolncountyhistory.org or find Lincoln County Historical Association (Maine) on Facebook.