Alice Boe Laird, beloved mother and cherished friend, died peacefully July 16, 2020 at Cove’s Edge long-term care facility in Damariscotta. She was born in 1930 in Wyckoff, N.J. For the next 80 years, she would remain a resident of Wyckoff. After graduation from Ramsey High School in 1948, she worked as a telephone operator and office secretary. In 1952, she married Eivind H. Boe and became a homemaker and mother.
A child of the Depression, she was self-reliant and able in every skill of homemaking, from cooking, housekeeping, sewing, and child-rearing to woodcutting, gardening, and landscaping. She served on the PTO for her children’s school and volunteered in the school library. At every opportunity she provided culturally enriching experiences for her children, teaching them such things as how to play bridge, set a dinner table, and typewrite, and taking them to museums and concerts in nearby New York City.
In 1974 her husband Eivind died of pancreas cancer. For the next 10 years she worked first as a bank teller and later as a travel agent. In the latter capacity, she traveled to many parts of the world, including Mexico, Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Japan, and Australia. In 1985, she married Norman M. Laird. Norm and Alice continued to travel the world over till his death in 2005.
Alice was predeceased by her parents and her siblings: brothers, John and David and sister, Dale Brown. She is survived by her son, Eivind A. Boe and his wife Ann C. Boe, their daughter Bronwen E. Boe and her fiance Shawn E. Grooms, and their daughter Miranda A. Boe; and by Alice’s daughter, Sylvia B. Taylor, Sylvia’s daughter Abbey Taylor, Abbey’s husband Jesse Wohlleb, their son Dylan, and Sylvia’s son, Travis B. Taylor.