Robert “Bob” Witte, born April 24, 1935, a resident of Waldoboro since July 2000, died peacefully in his home on Feb. 28, 2021 after a prolonged illness.
Bob was a graduate of New Rochelle High School in New Rochelle, N.Y., received a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University and a master’s degree in marine biology from Columbia University. Bob was a veteran of the U.S. Army and served during the 1960s as an environmental engineer. For more than 20 years he was employed as a marine biologist for the Environmental Protection Agency based out of the New York City area. His love and respect for the environment was a cornerstone of the way he lived his life. He spent a number of years working on the Clearwater sailing vessel, working to clean up the Hudson River in New York.
A lover of folk music, storytelling, and literature of every kind, Bob spent many hours with friends enjoying this passion. As a longtime member of the New York Folk Music Society, Bob was passionate about music and had great admiration for those who shared their voices, whether in harmony or not. A good joke or a bad one, he was always up for a conversation and a laugh to be shared with others. He was passionate about political causes and was generous in his support of those that he believed in.
Bob was truly happy living in Waldoboro. A patron of the library, the food kitchen, and Moody’s, he always spoke well of the town and the people in it, even when he was complaining about local politics. He was always grateful that you took him in and became an important part of his life and legacy.
He is survived by his sister, Jean Lane; nephew and wife, Bryan and Pamela Lane, great-nephew, Matthew (Meg) Lane; and great-niece, Allison Lane, all of New Hampshire.
For those of you who called Bob a friend, he was eternally grateful. For those of you whom he called his neighbors, he treasured you and the generosity and support you have given him for years but particularly as he has struggled through his illness. The family will be planning a remembrance for Bob in the spring.
Donations may be made in the name of Robert Witte to the Waldoboro Public Library, P.O. Box 768, Waldoboro, ME 04572.
Hall’s of Waldoboro has care of the arrangements.