Sandra L. (Davis) McKnight, born on April 5, 1955, passed away on Aug. 25, 2020 at 5:25 a.m. at Country Manor in Whitefield. She lost her long battle with lung cancer and heart disease.
She is survived by her daughter, Victoria Martin of Waterville; two grandchildren, Devin and Chelsea Field of Warren; brother, Michael Davis of Edgecomb; brother, Mark Davis of Spokane, Wash.; and many nieces and nephews.
She enjoyed gardening in the summer and knitting, crocheting, and sewing on her downtime. She worked as a CNA at Cove’s Edge in Damariscotta for many years.
In her 30s she worked for Progressive Housing in Warren until she was forced to retire due to her health. She lived with her daughter and her wife in Hope where she could be taken care of, then resided with her brother and his wife Anna in Edgecomb, until she was too ill and could not be taken care of at home anymore. She spent her last two months at Country Manor in Whitefield.
A burial service will be held at Highland Cemetery in Nobleboro on Saturday, Oct. 24 at 2 p.m. for close friends and family.