Sarah Weston Kent Wilson Kravitz, known to some as Sally, died peacefully in her home in Harpswell on Saturday, April 17, 2021. She was 80 years of age. During her last few weeks, she received wonderfully skilled and compassionate care from CHANS Hospice in Brunswick.
Sarah was the beloved wife of Dan Kravitz, beloved mother of Jefferson Wilson and Matthew Kravitz, and beloved companion of Murphy, a yellow dog, and of many other cats and dogs over the preceding decades.
Born in the small coastal town of Bremen to Edward Weston Kent and Doris Grant Kent, she attended Lincoln Academy, graduating as salutatorian. She then attended Colby College on a Bowdoin scholarship, as Bowdoin, in those days, was not accepting people of her particular gender.
She lived a life of exceptional grace and as much dignity as the situation merited. She had a wicked sense of humor that she kept to the end. It occasionally spiraled out of control into truly appalling jokes.
In 1986 a distinguished neurosurgeon told her that she had three to six months to live. She did not so much care about proving him wrong as continuing to enjoy her life, so she did that for another 35 years.
She is missed.
In lieu of flowers, please send a donation to Midcoast Humane, 190 Pleasant St., Brunswick, ME 04011; or the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program (MCHPP), 12 Tenney Way, Brunswick, ME 04011.