A.D. Gray: It is encouraging to see forward movement on the latest proposal to redevelop Waldoboro’s empty and woebegone school.
To Waldoboro and Volunteers of America we say, make it happen!
No proposal will ever be perfect or have the enthusiastic endorsement of every resident.
This one, at least, involves a well-established organization with the wherewithal to pull off a complex and expensive project.
Letters report: The newspaper received 19 letters to the editor this week and published 16.
Of the 16, six were generally conservative or Republican, five generally progressive or Democratic, and five apolitical or other. At least two of these letters are rewrites of letters the newspaper previously declined to publish.
Of the three not published, two were generally Democratic or progressive and one was apolitical. These letters did not meet the guidelines for letters to the editor, printed below.
We include these numbers to provide some transparency regarding letters. Look for more on this subject in a future week.
Sympathy: We at The Lincoln County News send our condolences to the family of Virginia Manning, the first Lincoln County resident to die of COVID-19. The low case numbers here do nothing to diminish this family’s loss.
We feel some optimism about the state of the pandemic in Lincoln County and Maine, but as we make day-to-day decisions about the precautions we take, we must remember that the virus is still here and we still have no cure.
Guidelines for letters to the editor
The Lincoln County News encourages civil and respectful dialogue on current events through letters to the editor.
The LCN does not allow name-calling, either of individuals or groups, and will not knowingly publish false or misleading information.
The LCN does not print correspondence between other parties, such as letters from constituents to politicians.
General letters of thanks are acceptable. For letters of thanks with lists of specific individuals or entities, contact the advertising department.
Please limit letters to 500 words. Each writer may submit only one letter per week.
The LCN reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and violations of the above guidelines, as well as to reject letters for any reason.
All submissions must include the writer’s name and town of residence. Submit letters by email to info@lcnme.com (preferred), fax to 563-3127, or mail to P.O. Box 36, Damariscotta, ME 04543.