Arrival of Christmas trees at Sheepscot General Store with proceeds to benefit the Whitefield Library. Geezers Santas from left to right are Dennis Merrill, Mike McMorrow, Erik Ekholm, and Dan Joslyn. The trees were generously donated by Louie and Kathy Sell. (Photo courtesy Cheryle Joslyn)
“…Then the tree,
Fragrant and green.
Each year it’s the best
We’ve ever seen…”
From the poem, “Christmas Traditions,” by Joanna Fuchs
With the area’s first snowfall, cows, sheep, and goats have been taken off pasture and brought into barns and a noticeable layer of ice is forming atop small farm ponds.
Before the season’s first snow fell, Whitefield folks who are affectionately known as “The Geezers” were busy cutting Christmas trees and carting them over to be sold at Sheepscot General Store. The funds raised are for the library and they are asking for a $25 donation for each tree.
This is far from the first time these men have donated their labor for the benefit of the people of Whitefield. They have been the backbone of the restoration of the grange into a year-round library. Shortly after the arrival of the Christmas trees pictured in the photo, trees from Matt and Leslie Gomes’ property were also cut and donated. We are incredibly fortunate to have the Geezers’ Santas, as well as the Sell and Gomes families supporting the, we can’t wait for it to open, Whitefield Library.
If you plan to use the library, please help by filling out the application available at whitefieldlibrary.org. There is no charge for residents of Whitefield, Jefferson, Alna, Windsor, Pittston, and Somerville.
Happy Hanukkah and Happy Advent to those who celebrate. And hope everyone is able to enjoy the beautiful shadows and tree silhouettes of the late afternoons that this season provides.