There is always something to do at the Whitefield Library. (Photo courtesy Whitefield Library)
The month of June has been a swirl of activity for the volunteers at Whitefield Library, and we are getting ready for more of the same in July. We are making plans for the return of our annual “Yard, Used Books & Baked Goodies Sale” on Saturday, July 16 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the library, at 1 Arlington Lane, Whitefield.
There will be toe tapping music, once again provided by local favorite Rusty Hinges, lots of delicious treats, drinks, popcorn, used books, a few crafts, and an assorted collection of yard sale items. All donations will help support library operations. To make a donation to the yard sale, please call 462-4255 and/or drop off items Saturday morning, July 16.
The exciting news we have to share is that we are able to create our first two stipend staffing positions. Shawn Gallagher has accepted the library administrator position, and Emma Nelson is our new children’s program coordinator. We are so fortunate to have them join our library team and to help us grow our services for everyone we serve. Funding for these two new positions has been made possible through the American Library Association’s grant award to Whitefield Library, from the generous support of Acton Family Giving.
The award will allow us two startup staffing positions as well as children’s programming supplies and the purchasing of new books. Since opening our doors in January, volunteers have done an amazing job getting services flowing in an efficient manner, and we are extremely excited to be working towards the next phase of our growth with our two new, very talented and energetic staff members.
There will be plenty of entertaining storytelling and crafts for young children every Friday in July at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is invited to bring the kids to enjoy the free events. On Friday, July 8, Ms. Emma is planning a nature hike to the Salmon Preserve. Meet at the trail head, at the end of the Howe Road, Whitefield at 10:30 a.m., for a fun story, walk, and nature activity.
On Monday, July 18, meet us at Sheepscot Valley Farm (163 Town House Road, Whitefield) to learn about dairy farming. We also want to remind all of our youth to begin the summer reading challenges so you can start to earn your prizes.

Another project completed! Whitefield Librarys renovation crew has finished laying crushed stone to help drain the rainwater around the granite perimeter and to prevent moisture buildup in the crawlspace. (Photo courtesy Whitefield Library)
Download, print, pick up a bingo sheet, a reading minutes log sheet, and a challenge sheet to start your summer reading today! Prizes may be redeemed at the library between Friday, July 1 and Saturday, Sept. 3.
Volunteering at the library is always welcome. We need your support to help us with so many functions as we continue to spread our wings, create “library,” and renovate our cherished building. We assure you, training to be one of our librarians is very easy and helping patrons on Fridays and Saturdays is so rewarding and really fun.
We also would love to have a volunteer adult program coordinator who could organize a few free summer programs for us such as an author’s chat, some type of outdoor performance or indoor event and gathering. We have many “helpers,” but we need an “organizer,” for these programs. Is it your time to help us?
The tireless volunteers continue to work away on the renovation “to-do” list. The trenching around the foundation is complete, the crushed stone lining the granite appears to be filtering water away from the building, and the green grass is growing again. The parking area is next on the agenda.
We are anxious for our heat pumps to be installed this month, and will be offering a cooler space for our summer patrons to enjoy a little AC while looking for books. There’s always plenty to help with if you would like to join our renovation geezers, and summer is such a great time to be getting exercise outdoors, don’t you agree?
Stop by whenever you see our “open” flag flying or cars in the driveway. We welcome your help and we are proud to show you our library. We freely serve all of the residents of not only Whitefield, but our neighbors in Windsor, Somerville, Jefferson, Alna, and Pittston as well.
Become a free library member, pick up your library card, borrow our books, bring the family to storytime, join our volunteers, and help us grow.
Located at 1 Arlington Lane, the Whitefield Library is open Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information write to the library, PO Box 5, Whitefield, 04353, call 549-0170, email info@whitefieldlibrary.org, or go to whitefieldlibrary.org.