Community members enjoy a potluck supper before the 63 card game.
July 28 found a small band of Grangers at the hall for our regular program. The potluck supper was macaroni and cheese, and spaghetti with a meat sauce, followed by German chocolate birthday cake for Errol, Joanne, and Deborah. Ice cream had been brought as a coincidence, also chocolate chip cookies. The legislative chair says the Libertarian party did not do a good job of providing their presidential publicity and there is no viable third party alternative for president, so choose the lesser of two evils. The agriculture chair states irrigated fields are being productive, so visit one of your local farm stands. Someone piped up that Bangor Fair is happening. The community service chair is thankful for the donated paper but would appreciate help putting a report together before August 15 for state judging. The card party for July 29 was discussed, if it should be cancelled, but it was decided to go ahead; thanks for offering to host Joanne.