Spring in Maine marks new beginnings. Leaves are now budding on trees and plants are emerging from their winter retreat. It is nice to see all of the new life on full display in the area.
Similar to a long, cold winter, our team has plowed through some pretty lean times. You may have noticed a shrinking number of bylines in the paper. The result has been longer hours for the remaining staff, more duties, and inevitably, less presence at meetings and events.
Hope springs eternal, and after months of searching, we hope to be in a better position soon.
Last week, we welcomed Meira Bienstock to the editorial staff. Meira has worked as a professional writer for 15 years. Her reporting has covered various locations including Indiana, Jerusalem, New York City, Bethel, and now Lincoln County.
We welcome her to the staff where part of her initial focus will be writing for the Lincoln County Magazine. As we work to come up to full staff, we will spend some time on profiles of the dedicated people who bring you the paper each week.
In addition to Meira, there are several other new faces around the building. Since January, Christine Hallowell, Bobbie Brewer, Taylor Bartolotta, Erin Dodge, and Jennifer Haines have joined Lincoln County Publishing Co. in various capacities.
Be on the lookout for the first edition of the Lincoln County Magazine in the paper next week, May 25. The inaugural issue of the 19th year of this publication will be Outdoors, a fitting start to the publication year.