The Lincoln County News will host its fourth and final candidates forum for the upcoming election this Thursday, Oct. 13 at Great Salt Bay Community School.
While the forum will feature the candidates from Senate District 13 and House Districts 45 and 46, we encourage all to attend or watch the livestream of the forum, even if you are not represented in these districts.
These forums provide a reminder that the people we elect to serve in the state Legislature are, in fact, people.
At previous forums, candidates on all sides of the spectrum have reiterated that the only way things get accomplished in Augusta is if individuals work together, regardless of their political affiliation. If they agreed with their opponent on a certain point or topic, they showed it, nodding along or saying as much when it was their time to speak, which happened far more often than shaking of heads or eye rolls.
Following one of the forums, an audience member commented that if it weren’t for the name cards in front of the candidates, they would not have known who belonged to what party. What a refreshing change from the name-calling and yelling at the national level!
We need elected officials who are focused on the people they represent. There are some issues in which we might not all agree and some questions for which there are right and wrong answers, and we need elected officials who are willing to be wrong, learn, and grow, rather than those who just want to repeat their party’s biggest hits.
The forum will begin at 6 p.m. in the GSB cafeteria and will be livestreamed on The Lincoln County News Facebook page.