To the Editor:
On election day we had the privilege of spending a couple of hours at the Damariscotta Town Hall collecting petition signatures.
We sat with a friendly group of eight to 10 other volunteers, each collecting signatures for issues including health programs, children’s issues, ballot initiatives, minimum wage, food banks, and our own cause: an effort to get community recognition that traffic in our Bristol Road residential neighborhood passes through at unsafe speeds.
It was refreshing to see so many people, both volunteers and petition signers, working to improve our community.
We write specifically to thank all the voters who took the time after voting to find out why each of us was out there, and to give a special thanks to the large majority of them who also provided signatures for our causes.
We would also like to give each one who signed our form a short progress report in the middle of our collection effort. During the day our group of volunteers added 142 signatures to the petition. As of this writing, the petition has been signed by 137 frequent users of Bristol Road and 290 residents of Damariscotta.
Those of us who live in the neighborhood appreciate the support of the 427 folks who drive by our homes almost every day and we hope to interest the hundreds of others who also do so to sign in the next few weeks. The petition is only meant to gauge community support for a new Department of Transportation assessment of Bristol Road speeds and it is not a ballot initiative.
It’s simply just some people telling “the powers that be” what they think.
There is a petition posted on a Yellowfront bulletin board and one at the main desk of the Skidompha Library. We also will have periodic collections on Main Street as often as we can set them up.
If you find us there, a thumbs up or a signature would be welcomed.