To the Editor:
As a long-time Waldoboro resident and former selectman, it’s vexing to see our state Department of Transportation steadfastly refusing to consider installing a traffic signal at a dangerous Rt. 1 intersection. Instead, the DOT wants to widen the road at Jefferson and Depot Streets. Experience shows that wider roads lead to faster traffic. That doesn’t sound safer to me.
Our town has been requesting a traffic signal at that location for many years. I recall a girl being seriously injured as she crossed Rt. 1 at this intersection. If there had been a traffic signal, she very likely would have crossed safely. Pedestrians must be considered. This is a residential area. There are children on Depot Street who attend Miller School on the other side of Rt. 1.
As a parent, I would not let my kids run through the traffic to get to school. We should be encouraging children to walk to school when possible. Adults, too, deserve the right to walk safely to the village, whether to shop or just for exercise.
A traffic signal would make good sense for vehicles trying to enter Rt. 1. No longer would we have to wait for long periods of time until there is a gap in the flow of traffic. Sometimes it’s nearly impossible to turn into the opposite lane of Rt. 1 from the side street. All this would be solved by a traffic light that could be set to Rt. 1 priority, so any slowing effect on Rt. 1 would be minimal.
There are sidewalks on both Jefferson Street and Depot Street, yet no safe passage between the two at Rt. 1. Widening the road will simply make crossing more dangerous than it already is. It’s time for the DOT to see the light.
Steve Cartwright, Waldoboro