To the Editor:
For those of us for whom truth and justice are central to our lives, it is time to speak up in support of the righteous demand of the Penobscot people, asserting their sovereignty over their namesake river.
It was Senator (and former Governor) Edmund Muskie who sponsored the historic Clean Water Act. To allow deliberate pollution of that, or any Maine river, from industrial usage is a profound insult to his memory, as well as to the current Penobscot people, for whom this insult compounds the historic injury of decimation of their civilization by certain Caucasian savages who did not respect the native inhabitants as full human beings.
I write in hopes that many others will also rise to the occasion and denounce the pig-headed (sorry, pigs if I offend you) attempt by the state of Maine to sabotage rational thinking and acting as they attempt to deny Penobscot people their historic rights. They need our help, so please don’t be complacent. Learn, speak, write, act.