To the Editor:
As thorough as the story was and with wonderful pictures of members of the Elder Power network I find it a little disconcerting that Mr. Gelarden mentions that other professionals in the area questioned the qualifications of the caregivers of Elder Power.
To set the record straight I would like to say that Elder Power is not a home health agency per se. Carol Richards, our full-time nurse, is licensed and the home health aides, who are used as part of our program, are certified and current. Some of our caregivers, who only see that our members have a hot meal and help with laundry etc., do not need any certification for these duties. However, many of our home visits for socialization and transportation to appointments and social gatherings are done by volunteers and I would have liked the volunteers to have received more recognition.
If there is anyone who questions the professionalism or the qualifications of this program I would invite them to visit our office at 277 Main St. and let us explain the program to them. Dr. Teel has held many informational meetings, which are always well attended. This program is different and customized according the needs of our members by not forcing them to conform to intrusive regulations and schedules.
Certainly I know there are many questions but all can be addressed with a personal visit. Our office is open five days a week and the best time to visit would be Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday as a full-time volunteer is available then.
Marie Fuller, Volunteer
Elder Power, Inc.