To the Editor:
Here are some important facts to be considered when discussing the question of continuing law enforcement coverage with the Damariscotta Police Dept. or replacing the department with coverage by the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
Lincoln County is #1 in the state in underage drinking, prescription drug use and youth suicides.
We are the grayest county, in the grayest state, and our elders are more vulnerable.
The average response time of our police department to an emergency call is approximately five minutes.
The average response time of the LCSO to a Damariscotta emergency call is 20 minutes to two hours depending on what the Sheriff’s Deputies are already involved in.
The LCSO cruiser must go through Damariscotta in order to respond to calls in Bristol, South Bristol and the peninsula.
Any decrease in services provided now by the Damariscotta P.D. and turned over to the LCSO will result in an increased cost from the Sheriff’s Dept.
These bottom line costs are what seem to be most important to at least one selectman.
Please plan on attending the town meeting on Tues., June 15 to take part in this vital process. Your opinion and vote will count.
Williard A. Monsell, Damariscotta