To the editor:
The members of the North Nobleboro Community Association wish to thank every merchant who generously gave merchandise or gift certificates in support of the 44th annual North Nobleboro Day auctions. With their support and the enthusiastic attendance of community members, we had another successful and fun-filled day! The rain held off, the weather was fine, and the auctions were well-attended. In addition, many local businesses sponsored Debbie Myers and her band Redneck Rodeo, attracting an enthusiastic crowd of fans and followers.
The funds raised each year at North Nobleboro Day are used for community-related needs. Donations are made to the Nobleboro Central School library, the association scholarship fund, and local cemeteries. Funds are also used to maintain the North Nobleboro Community Hall and grounds.
While the support of local merchants makes our events possible, the volunteers from our local community make the day successful every year. It is always heartwarming to see so many people work together on a larger goal, as it takes a coordinated effort above and beyond everyone’s everyday activities to make this event run smoothly. North Nobleboro is a very special community because of the year-round efforts of its members and neighbors.
Hilary Peterson, Nobleboro
Secretary, North Nobleboro Community Association