To the Editor:
As I conclude six years on the Skidompha Library Board of Directors, I want to express appreciation to, and admiration for, all the people who made this a wonderful and rewarding experience. Patrons of the Library, the supporting towns, and the community at large join me in recognizing the commitment and service that Skidompha’s staff and volunteers consistently provide to our greater peninsula community.
This outstanding service was awarded the National Medal for Library Service in 2008, along with repeated designations as a “Star” library by the prestigious publication, “Library Journal.”
Skidompha continues to meet the challenges of the changing roles of a library, particularly in these difficult economic times.
I have had the privilege of working with Board members from diverse backgrounds, each bringing a wealth of talent and experience to the Board, together with a steadfast and unbounded commitment to the fiscal and programmatic health of Skidompha.
I thank them for their unfailing support of the Board and Skidompha. I hope your readers will continue to enjoy and support Skidompha’s many services. I know I will.
Jean E. Vernet, Round Pond