To the Editor:
Town meetings, with the election of town officers and approval of all expenditures for schools, roads, and other capital expenditures will be taking place throughout Maine during the month of March. These meetings and elections have a significant impact on the quality of life and the future of Maine towns. It is important that all citizens participate.
I would like to take this opportunity to endorse Bill Benner for selectman in the town of Bristol. In support of Bill, the following comments and observations are offered on his background and qualifications.
After retiring from Contel Telephone Company, he served very effectively as selectman in Bristol from 1994 to 1997. Bill also served as selectman for seven years in the 70s. From 2007 to 2011 Bill was chairperson of the Building Team for the Bristol Mills Parish House project.
He has years of experience in managing budgets, competitive bidding processes for procurement of goods and services in private industry. He would provide a professional approach to the conduct of the town’s business in offering fairness and effective control in the day-to-day business of managing the town’s affairs and activities.
Bill’s friendliness, experience and business-like approach to the needs of the town would serve us well in the next three years.
I urge the voters of Bristol to consider Bill Benner’s experience, character, and qualifications in voting for selectman on March 14.
Philip O. Russell, Bristol