To the Editor:
Following Damariscotta’s fascination with form-based codes, I have noticed one constant, Piper Commons, Piper Commons, Piper Commons. Obviously the same people that kept Walmart’s much needed jobs and thousands of dollars in property taxes out of Damariscotta are endeavoring to prevent Piper Commons from happening.
Form-based codes are inherently and unquestionable anti-business and anti-expansion for business and housing. I have advised my brother, who operates a business in Damariscotta, to vote no and advise his friends and customers also.
The next step to creating a Sunset Retirement Village, no one under 65 or new business allowed, is to create new regulations effectively closing down certain businesses presently operating. Why put up with noisy, smelly and dangerous business in the heart of The Kingdom of Downtown when you could have another quiet and clean tourist trap, rip off gift shop.
I find it hard to believe that the natives of Damariscotta are going to sit idly by while someone from Vermont, of all places, says who can live there, where they can live, what they can live in, kind of trees they can plant and in what directions they can park their car. Also, who can start a business there, where they may locate the business and what the business will be.
As has been said a million times in the past and will be said a million times in the future, be careful what you wish for, it may come true.
I suppose, the natives being outnumbered by newcomers and tree huggers, the codes will be passed. Unfortunately, as I have said many times before, the independent Mainer no longer exists.
God bless America and her Navy SEALS!
Craig Elliott, Bristol