To the Editor:
Two things in particular stuck with me from those leadership labs of long ago.
First, accountability takes its place alongside authority and responsibility in the triangle of essentials. Without it, no effective leadership is possible. Second, the quality of communication between people or groups is dependent upon the trust which exists between them. Words chosen, body language and even the ability to actually hear each other turn dramatically on this essential factor.
The current controversy over the Waldoboro Water District bond refinancing is illustrative of both the above indices. Many townspeople feel the Board of Selectmen has ignored their desires for direction of town government and are not displaying the accountability required. This leads to a reduced level of trust and communications suffer across the spectrum.
Some Board members find fault with the forthright mannerisms of citizens who object to the proceedings and label it an orchestrated attack. This leads to further distrust and the downward spiral continues.
On the brighter side, at the Oct. 25 hearing on the subject, several officials, including the Town Manager, indicated the bond refinancing effort would deal with only the remaining principal amount and only at a rate that would yield financial benefit for the town. Many of us feel that Warrant Article 2 on the upcoming November ballot does not reflect the above statement. The principal amount cited appears to be higher than that which exists now or will in the spring.
Also, the language in the lengthy article provides additional extensive powers to town officials far beyond a simple refinance effort.
If state requirements lead us to such a confusing passage, then I submit, given the trust issues that currently exist, that our elected representatives should have recognized they are accountable to us to provide at least an addendum clarifying the intent, in words such as we heard at the hearing.
There is a good chance, I feel, that the momentum is beginning to shift and take us in the right direction. As for this article, however, I cannot support it as presented. I will vote “No” and urge everyone to do the same.
Bob Kanewske