To the Editor:
A change in the way some business is done at the Newcastle Town office when it moves to Pump St. could result in savings to put back into the capital reserve fund (which is being drawn on because the cost is beyond the amount we citizens approved).
When we go to register our vehicles, boats, etc., we will almost be within ‘spitting distance’ of the Damariscotta Municipal Building. A part time deputy clerk is retiring. If we didn’t fill the position – and save those dollars in these hard times – we could do our business across the river. Most of us will be heading that way to shop, get food, etc. once we get as close as the Taniscot Building.
I can remember having to go to Damariscotta to get my plates after paying the excise tax at our town hall. Perhaps they would be happy to take it on for the additional agency fees, helping our bottom line and boosting, theirs.
David Bailey, Newcastle