To the Editor:
I take great exception to the letter to the editor published Sept. 22, 2011 written by Carl Scheiman. (“Support for theology at the expense of humanity,” Page 4.)
Perhaps Mr. Scheiman needs to understand that the $500,000 spent to reconstruct the (Damariscotta Baptist Church) steeple was not spent for purposes of Christian worship, but to save a historical icon. The people who worship there do not need the steeple in order to worship.
Perhaps he should read Genesis Chapter 11 to see how God treated those who were constructing the Tower of Babel.
Perhaps he should visit the clothing exchange, the food pantry, participate in giving of food baskets or the blood drives organized by the area churches. Or, he could contribute to one of the many foreign missionary projects supported by area churches.
Churches serve their communities well.
As chair of the steeple fundraising committee, I have often asked myself how much good could have been done if (the funds were) used in some other manner. However, this is America and people have the freedom to choose how to spend their resources.
Robert Cain