To the Editor:
First came school consolidation, which was a good idea but then the economy tanked. Now comes a portion of what I have been advocating for years, eg., transfer all 43 students in Somerville to Windsor. Close or even sell this school; find a buyer or a host of other uses for it. It won’t cost more to maintain either way.
I don’t know or care who went along with this trade off. Transfer 11 students, 6, 7 and 8 grades, and in return set up a special ed program in Somerville? Who pays for this program? Does anyone know? Whose idea?
My take on all this is if Somerville had closed this school K-8, and transferred all the students, they and the town would have benefited in the long term; educationally and financially. Instead the people of Somerville will “reap what they sow.”
Forget town rule; that left station long ago via state and federal take overs.
Frank “Smilin’ Jack” Slason, Somerville