To the Editor:
I hope that you’ll accept a criticism from a loyal reader.
I found the headline that you attached to Dr. Falconer’s letter last week to be very eye-catching, but not very descriptive of the content of his letter. (“Let’s take Christ out of Christmas”) It was unnecessarily inflammatory and maybe even offensive to many mainstream church-goers. (LCN, Page 13, 12/30/10)
It certainly did not describe the message I got out of what he had to say. What I took away from a careful reading was that we should include everyone in the celebration of Christian values, whether or not we can honestly claim to be good Christians.
Who can deny that even the most heretical or atheistic among us can be good people who can enjoy and benefit from Christmas? Even we sinners who have doubts about traditional Christian doctrine should be invited to Christ’s birthday party.
Anyone who has the privilege of knowing Dr. Falconer, as I do, would know that he is a generous, compassionate person who fits my definition of “good Christian,” whatever his doctrinal questions.
Who knows? The more folks who come to the party, maybe the more who will begin to wonder what it’s all about.
Fred Bowers, Alna