To the Editor:
I find it very disturbing, after going to a selectmen’s meeting that was held to consider changing wording in the town charter to authorize the town to be able to go outside the Town of Damariscotta to look for other people to police our town.
We have a great police force. Damariscotta can stand on its own and we can afford to maintain our own police department. We have a fine set of police officers now and they have done a great job. The crime rate has already moved up the coast and every law officer is dealing with more drug related cases.
If you read The Lincoln County News you can see between the Damariscotta police and the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, it almost fills a half page with cases. Our police officers do a great job all over our town from checking the doors of all our businesses in town as well as in the outlying areas. They also provide many services to our citizens and keep a check on their homes while they are safely sleeping.
It seems that the selectmen and town manager in the past six months or so have had in their minds to do away with our police department. More than 70 percent of the people I talk to are very satisfied with our police department.
The selectmen have caused a lot of unrest among the older citizens and businessmen here in our town. It’s time we start calling the town office and tell them we support our police department. We are the financial and business center of Lincoln County.
Let’s not lose our identity and use some common sense.
Marjorie and Calvin Dodge, Damariscotta