To the Editor:
My name is Kristy and I am a resident of Jefferson. I’m also a mom of two children that go to the Jefferson Village School and my husband is on the school board.
I am writing this letter in response to the hurtful words said by some of the community members at the last school board meeting. I have heard these words thrown around referring to our school board… “unethical,” “liars,” “back stabbers,” and “distrustful.” These words, in my world, are a huge insult.
The choice the board members made in August was made with the children in mind first. The majority of people on this board are parents. Two of the board members, my husband included, have coached sports for the Jefferson Sports Association since their children were in kindergarten. They all show up for every concert, and every activity at our school. They are dedicated parents who have volunteered to become part of the school board to help make our school a better place.
Not everyone is going to agree. Not everyone is going to like the decisions made. This letter is not about defending their decision in the August meeting. This letter is about defending their credibility as people.
To say you can no longer trust them is harsh. To say they are sneaky and did this to blindside a town is not true. The intention of their decision whether you agree or not was to help these children grow.
Words hurt a lot. They are good people who are trying their best. Please keep this in mind in the future.