To the Editor:
Yes, almost all of the 65,000,0000 gallons of water Damariscotta and Newcastle pay to fluoridate each year goes down the drain, fluoride and all, without ever touching teeth. Remember the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control both agree that applying fluoride to the outside of the teeth is the best way to prevent cavities, not swallowing it.
Young and old are susceptible to harm from fluoride in our drinking water. Both agencies mentioned above advise parents not to mix baby formula using fluoridated water. Buying bottled water places a burden on young families, and also on seniors – older people, and Damariscotta has many, are unusually susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride, according to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.
Fluoride accumulates in the bones and makes them more brittle and prone to fracture. As we age one thing we don’t need is the susceptibility to fracture.
Fluoride is found in many pills, some of them very expensive, including Lipitor, Prozac, Cipro, Paxil, and Celebrex to name a few. Many of us older folks take large numbers of pills daily, several possibly containing fluoride. Why do many places – the Library, the Lincoln Home, the local hospital and several businesses make bottled water available to the public? Bottled water is a big seller at local stores.
To treat 65 million gallons of water each year with fluoride and have it go down the river is a flagrant waste of money, money that could be better spent on toothbrushes and education about good dental care.
Our two towns will have an opportunity this fall to vote on the fluoride matter. Consider the health risks and the waste involved, and on Nov. 8 vote “No” to adding fluoride to our drinking water.
Joe Gray