To the Editor:
In response to Sen. Johnson’s and Rep. Devin’s letters to the editor on Jan. 24, please know that all military and civic service are applauded by all citizens. An appalling thing, however, is the ideology set forth by Democrats in the legislature both here in Maine and in Washington.
It is scandalous to lie about Governor LePage’s intentions with the budget. (If you will recall, no budget in Washington has been passed in four years under a democratic senate and president, breaking the law.)
Democrats unceasingly try to scare everyone by saying Republicans are taking away from poor and elderly people. It is recognizable by Democrats that our state is in debt because of spending? It is recognizable that our country is $16 trillion in debt because of spending?
No where is it related in Messrs. Johnson and Devin’s letters that there is waste in Augusta. Nor was it mentioned that there is fraud in the programs touted as so beneficial to poor people and the elderly. Why do Democrats insist that everyone needs a handout… including municipalities?
Is it not time that each town take it upon themselves to check their own budgets and cut spending where it is needed? Why do Democrats insist on scaring people into believing that property taxes need to go up? When overspending occurs on a personal level, expenditures get cut. Something is “cut from the budget.” Something is changed so that bills can be paid. It is suspicious why Democrats look the other way.
No where in these articles by Messrs. Johnson and Devin is it indicated that Governor LePage:
• Provided tax relief for many Maine taxpayers by reducing the top income tax rate from 8.5 percent to 7.95 percent.
• Eliminated the 2 percent tax rate on Mainers with the lowest income, removing all income tax burden for 70,000 low-income Maine families.
• Increased the death-tax exemption from $1 million to $2 million saving Maine farms and small businesses during transitions.
• Increased funding general purpose aid for education by $63 million over a two-year budget… along with other legislation to develop and innovate new approaches for improving teaching and learning.
• Removed Maine’s status as a sanctuary state making sure Maine’s limited welfare resources are reserved for Maine people.
• Placed a five-year limit on welfare benefits. A five-year limit! Should we not be encouraging people to go to work or should we dumb down our families into believing that a handout is normal?
Gov. LePage is more than generous with those in need, with many more accomplishments that could be cited. Governor LePage is the one who stands for what is right and just and should be lauded for doing so.
It is difficult to believe that so many consider themselves elite, highly educated, knowledgeable and don’t understand basic economics. This thought would lead some to believe that there are those who, for their own personal gain, would intentionally attempt to destroy the greatest culture and country there is by perpetuating the lie that socialism is preferred over capitalism; that laziness is preferred over achievement; that fraud is preferred over honesty; that deceit is preferred over candor; that debt is preferred over financial well-being.
How much do you have to hate your fellow man not to tell him the truth?
Susan Straight