To the Editor:
I’m writing in response to Mr. Michael Uhl’s letter “Send Democrats to Augusta and Washington” which appeared in the Sept. 9 edition of the LCN. I was especially taken by his statement “folks paying their fair share.”
Doesn’t “folks paying their fair share” make you feel good, like you really care about the other person? These are soft words that feel good, but unfortunately have no definition. When you say them; you feel good about yourself. I do. On the other hand, facts ring true: facts don’t necessarily feel good, they are simply facts.
The majority party doesn’t like it when facts are introduced; facts are not soft and don’t always feel good. Facts can be measured and they open people’s eyes.
For example; government data show that the top one percent of earners in America currently pay about 40 percent of all the federal income taxes. The next nine percent of earners pay another 30 percent. So the top 10 percent of all earners pay a whopping 70 percent of all federal taxes. On the other hand, the bottom 40 percent of earners, pay nothing. Opens your eyes, doesn’t it?
So, when Mr. Uhl expresses a desire for “folks paying their fair share”, exactly what does he mean? Is it fair for the top one percent to pay 40 percent and the bottom 40 percent paying zero percent? What objective is the majority party attempting to achieve when it insists on taxing those “greedy” rich? Are they trying to push the country past the tipping point with a majority of 51 percent paying nothing? No tax bill would ever be defeated, or overturned, once this 51 percent tipping point is achieved.
In 2010, Maine people spoke and overturned 102 new taxes that the majority party voted to impose on Maine taxpayers. They didn’t think we could do it, but we did, and they don’t think we can vote them out, but we can.
I invite Republicans, Un-enrolled and disgruntled Democrats to vote the majority party out and cast your ballot for our strong slate of GOP Candidates running for office in Maine and Lincoln County this election cycle including: Paul LePage, Dean Scontras, David Trahan, Jon McKane, Les Fossel, Dana Dow, Linc Sample and Deb Sanderson
Jim Carlton
Lincoln County Republican Committee