To the Editor:
I hope more citizens are having better luck than we are with the new digital TV antenna system. I also wonder how our seniors are faring with this problem.
Consider all the things we’ve had to do just to watch TV. Some of our house-bound elderly are on fixed incomes with just enough money for food and medicine. Now their enjoyment is gone. They get to stare at a useless TV with a useless antenna on top of their roof.
Maybe they were lucky and could afford that digital TV for $300. Oh, wait… don’t forget your free $40 coupon for the box. Without a coupon, well now you need the antenna and cable for $187. Hopefully you might have someone who can install all this but if not, I guess you have to hire someone.
Now if it still doesn’t work, try the booster box, just another $60. So you need medicine or you’re low on food. You’ll get by somehow.
What, after all this, you still don’t get a signal? So you could go next door and watch their dish or Direct TV, but with no cable in town, you can’t do that either.
What if it’s raining? Then it’s no local channels even at your neighbors with their up-grade and cutting down trees. They can’t cut any more because the trees are on their neighbor’s lot! You can still get the dish channels that are on, lucky you!
I would like to know who benefited from going from “analog” to digital?
Is there now a buy back for all our useless TVs and antennas? We all pay when we take them to our local recycling station.
Is there help out there for our house-bound and elderly or are they forced to go back to radio? How far have we come? We can send people to the moon but can’t even see our local news.
What a shame.
Ruth Poland, Bremen