We applaud the Governor’s decision to quietly return the Frances Perkins plaque to its rightful place in the Dept. of Labor building in Augusta.
By itself, Perkins’ groundbreaking turn as the first female cabinet secretary in American history should be enough to warrant a statue in Augusta, but her impact on the American workforce is still being felt today and it is good and right the State of Maine acknowledges her towering influence.
Given her far reaching and long lasting impact on American business, unemployment insurance, minimum wage legislation, child labor laws and Social Security, among others, one could make the case that naming one single conference room is literally the least the state could do in her honor.
We also applaud our local Republican legislators Sen. David Trahan and Rep. Jon McKane for pressing Perkins’ case in Augusta. It might have been easier to let the issue slide while they moved on to other concerns, but they took up for their constituents in this matter, as good representatives are supposed to do.
Our governor who has done more than enough to draw his fair share of criticism, was right to give ground on this one.