To the Editor:
The World Trade Center in New York was suddenly attacked on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 and we were shocked and stunned that such an event would happen in our peaceful nation.
We watched vivid and breathtaking live news photos that morning and the media reported from all angles for days.
We shouldn’t have been too surprised, as we had been making enemies and they attacked us.
There are images, sounds, sights and dates firmly fixed in our minds and September 11 joins Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor, and Nov. 22, the President Kennedy assignation.
Fox news features Thursday night images of rebuilding at “ground zero” and refers to the attack as “nine eleven,” but is this encouraging those who hate us to make another attack?
Many readers born more than a generation later do not remember Pearl Harbor and either do they remember Japan was not really a declared enemy in 1941.
Unfortunately children beginning school this year may not have even heard of the attack. All they know is to dial 911 for help. A generation from now the attack will be a matter of history, with 3000 dead and forgotten, new buildings will have erased the scene visited only by tourists.
While we may be a forgiving people, we are not a nation to prepare for the inevitable. We just wait until it happens and then complain, readjust and recover.
God bless these United States.
Joe Gray, Damariscotta