To the Editor:
This is an attempt to give a voice to two groups of fellow human beings who cannot speak for themselves.
Working as an RN for many years, I was often known as the nurse who loves old people, especially the “crazy” ones. To me, this is a badge of honor.
Now when I visit nursing homes as an ombudsman, I see many faces filled with loneliness, fear and despair. Even a short visit brings human contact and it can mean the world to these people. Why not become a volunteer visitor or go to the homes of the elderly? Find out what they need, what you can do for them. Remember, this could be you someday.
Now, back to the beginning of life, to those not yet born. These are the most innocent and defenseless of all. Become aware of the stages of development of the child in the womb. Then, learn what the procedures required for abortion are at the different stages of pregnancy, what happens to the baby.
Research Kermit Gosnell and LeRoy Carhart. Their actions and words are too horrible for me to describe here. Then, do what your conscience and your heart dictate to you. Tell others what you have learned. Become involved in the legislation surrounding abortion.
We can make this world a better place, one voice at a time.