To the Editor:
My name is John York and I live on West Neck Road with my wife, Rhonda, and my two sons, Austin and Gage. I have been the road commissioner for the last eight years and hope to continue in this capacity for the next term.
I am a native of Nobleboro and have a vested interest in the town and its roads.
My strategy for Nobleboro’s roads has been to first replace all the old culverts and ditches to keep the water off and help maintain the life of the roads. I would estimate that about 75 percent to 80 percent of the culverts have been replaced in my last eight years.
As this is being done, I also ditch and prepare for paving. When all the culverts are replaced, my plan is to work on widening roads and correcting some problem intersections.
I urge all the citizens of Nobleboro to get out and vote. I would appreciate your vote for road commissioner to allow me to continue these projects for the town.
John York, Nobleboro